小型科技办公室 small tech office 项目名称:The Prow, Expedia Group Headquarters 参赛公司:Aidlin Darling Design and Susan Marinello Interiors 摄影:Bruce Damonte 48 小型科技办公室 small tech office 项目名称:Dropbox Dublin Headquarters 参赛公司:IA Interior Architects 摄影:Ruth Maria Murphy and IA Interior...
参赛公司:BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and CCHE (local architect) and AUM (interior designer) 摄影:Maris Metzulis 11 项目名称:Drake Hotel Modern Wing 参赛公司:DesignAgency and Tongtong 摄影:Brandon Barre 零售空间 Retail 12 项目名称:X11温州印象城MEGA X11 Flagship Store (Incity Mega, Wenzhou) 参赛公司...
小型科技办公室 small tech office 项目名称:The Prow, Expedia Group Headquarters 参赛公司:Aidlin Darling Design and Susan Marinello Interiors 摄影:Bruce Damonte 48 小型科技办公室 small tech office 项目名称:Dropbox Dublin Headquarters 参赛公司:IA Interior Architects 摄影:Ruth Maria Murphy and IA Interior...
CL3 Architects / 泛纳设计集团 / HDC蜂鸟设计 / 矩阵纵横 / 峻佳设计 / KLID达观国际建筑设计事务所 / 立品设计 / OC Design Office / NC Design & Architecture / PONE普利策 / PAL Design Group / 如恩设计研究室 / 上海朱周空间设计 / URO设计 / Vantree Design / 壹正企划有限公司 / Cityinno意创...
美国《室内设计》(Interior Design)杂志创办的年度最佳设计奖(Best of Year)是设计行业最重要的设计大奖,旨在表彰每年度意义最重大的项目,认可来自全球各地的优秀设计师、建筑师和制造商。 2022年是BOY年度最佳设计奖的第17个年头。该赛事已成为衡量优质设计的最高标准,展示了当今各个领域设计的发展趋势,同时也为设计...
RE or DE is the best interior design and construction company in Bangladesh for both residential and commercial buildings.
参赛公司:OFFICE AIO 业主:Monica Wang 31 接待空间 Hospitality 项目名称:贵宾休息室 GARDEN PAVILION 参赛公司:NC Design & Architecture Limited 32 其他室内设计 Other Interior Design 项目名称:HELLO BODY 参赛公司:境似设计研究室 Studio JS.D 业主:Hello Body ...
Timothy Haynes and Kevin Roberts are the founding partners ofHaynes-Roberts, a New York–based interior design firm that focuses on high-end residential projects. The resulting work is a modern distillation of classic design that is spare, elegant, and inviting. Their projects attain a level of...
Interior Design Basics will teach you the basics of interior design. With all the techniques and tips, you’ll be able to transform your interiors, no matter large or small, into your perfect home. From colors and lighting to hanging curtains and mixing styles, by the end of this free cou...
小型博物馆/艺术馆Small Museum/Art Gallery项目名称:柳宗源摄影工作室 Utter Space设计公司:CUN寸DESIGN 摄影: 王厅35公司独立办公室: 国际Firm's Own: International项目名称:寸匠熊猫办公空间 Xiamen Office设计公司:寸匠熊猫建筑设计 Cun Panda 摄影:GL YANG36儿童空间Kid's Zone项目名称:昆山万象汇儿童主题公区...