A slug gun is ashotgunused for short-range deer stalking and bird hunting. Slug guns are popular among hunters in areas where rifle and buckshot ammunition are prohibited for deer hunting. Because there’s a need for an alternative for deer hunting, the best option that manufacturers have co...
The Safari Choice Archery Hunting Adjustment Bow Sight Light LED is the perfect way to light up your sight pin, giving you the perfect line of sight for a successful shot. With its adjustable light and 3/8-32 thread, it’s easy to install and use. The 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.3 measurement ens...
The Super X hollow point is just as accurate. As for the shotgun barrel, it is tightly-choked and will put a load of Winchester buckshot into less than three inches at 15 yards. The Winchester .410 slug will group into an inch and a half at 25 yards. I like this little rifle a l...
No matter what I am doing ALWAYS carry my Beretta FL 92 every I go. Whether that is to a meeting in a large city or my favorite activity fishing. My only concession to gun laws and gun care is that I change the ammo from normal slug to snake shot. Good thing that habit followed m...
Ready for tough hunting sessions… The different terrains you shoot in can be demanding. This means you need a scope that will stand up to harsh environments and all types of weather conditions. The Viper family of scopes is up to the challenge. ...
Best Rangefinder Under 200 Rangefinders are used to help you measure the distance of your target so as to be able to make an accurate shot. Rangefinders can be used for hunting and other outdoor activities such as bird watching and playing golf. For hunting, the rangefinder is used together...
Has BDC reticle, which is great for shotgun hunting Lightweight Cons: Cheap lens cover No cleaning cloth This scope is a great buy for anyone who wants amazing bang for their buck. Designed specifically to be mounted on a slug gun, it does everything that you could possibly ask for. It...
and many of the areas close to where we will be living have a healthy population of Grizzlies, in fact I am hearing that many of the locals shy away from deep woods exploration at certain times of the year due to the grizzly issue. I for one have never been one to be nervous in th...
Even in a smooth bore like my personal Remington 1100, the American Gunner slug will put five shells into four inches at 50 yards. Affordable, reliable and hard-hitting, the American Gunner reduced recoil slug is a great shotgun load. Hornady slugs offer impressive knockdown power! 2. .45 ...
I test a lot of ammunition and I rely onWinchester ammunitionfor personal defense, target shooting, hunting small and large game and also shotgun use. There are many Winchester loads I use and it was difficult to narrow the choice down. Just the same, here we go with a few highlights. ...