Free State of Joneschronicles a genuinely interesting moment in American history. During the Civil War, white Southern farmer Newt Knight served in the Confederate Army as a medic. An abolitionist and pacifist, he deserts the war after the death of his nephew. Branded an outlaw and chased into...
The Deadliest Season is a thought-provoking television movie that tells the story of a professional hockey player who is charged with manslaughter after a brutal on-ice collision results in the death of an opponent. The film explores the moral and legal implications of violence in the sport, wh...
Released a mere three years after Batman & Robin, which served as the death knell for a certain type of comic-book flick, X-Men gave us a collection of powerful, noble, sometimes insecure mutants waging war against their evil cohorts. Everything that’s great about these Marvel characters ...
“Fuck wit Dre Day (And Everybody’s Celebratin’)” was dope as fuck, but in my opinion, Eazy-E got the better of the beef when he dropped “Real Muthaphuckkin’ G’s.” It’s just thatThe Chronicblew up so much and Death Row became the new monster on the West Coast that the ...
Ranking the top 10 greatest anime ever. Based on over 100K votes from anime fans around the world. Vote on Death Note, Dragon Ball, One Piece and more.
Recorded in 2020, it feels like he was already aware of his mortality, with the dark, somber tones reflecting his internal battles. The album kicks off with “Words in the Color of Death,” where Chino addresses his own departure from beyond the grave. Tracks like “Sermon in Crimson” ...
the falling autumn leaves are a sign that it’s time to settle down in front of the TV and watch an overwhelming amount of games. October alone brings the World Series, the WNBA Finals, the starts of the NBA and NHL seasons, and the ongoing action in this up-and-coming sport the wor...
Each one has their own heart-rending story to tell in a show that explores what life was like when people were suffering from a new disease that was feared, misunderstood, and often considered a death sentence. This absorbing and at-times difficult-to-watch drama is brought to life by the...
but instead of team-based play, these games usually feature 1-on-1 battles where players spawn AI-controlled units that then walk their lane and perform dedicated functions. The strategy element in these games usually comes down to players pre-constructing loadouts of units that will give them...
Duel to the death in an ever-shrinking arena in Spellsworn, the free-to-play arena fighting game from Frogsong Studios, inspired by classic PvP arena games. Choose your wizardly combatant and deck him out with the best powers and gear, improving your build in the shop as you play. ...