“Only the Khajiit know the secret paths of the moon that lead the followers of the Mane back to Elsweyr.” If you’re a big fan ofSkyrim’s feline race, the Khajiit, then you’ll loveMoonpath to Elsweyr. It was one of the first mods to add serious quest content after the originalS...
While mostSkyrimmods aim to make the game more interesting or immersive, Uncle Sheogorath’s Helpful Hints and Tips is the complete opposite. Picking at the mind of Sheogorath,Skyrim’sDaedric Prince of Madness, this mod seeks to replace all loading screen texts with the Daedra’s thoughts. ...
If your Dragonborn hasn’t frequented the bars and stores of Skyrim in the past, this mod gives you the perfect excuse to head inside and check out the places you may not have spent too much time before. 5. Sabre Gear Backpack Imagine you’re trekking across Skyrim, having left your he...
and has gathered one of the most dedicated modding communities ever seen. Much like its predecessor, Skyrim has been modded to hell and back, from minor graphical tweaks to complete overhauls that change the game almost beyond recognition. ...
The best Skyrim mods in 2024 include those that overhaul graphics, add new quest lines, and let you befriend new NPCs - and our article will help you find them.
And if you somehow run out of things to do, rest assured that modders have more waiting for you (check out our guide to the best Skyrim mods). That lively community has kept Skyrim in the Steam top 100 since its release, and given us endless ways to adventure through a great world. ...
[Top 15] Skyrim Best Overhaul Mods Gameplay features are pretty important, and I don’t have to tell you that. Regardless of how simple or complex the mechanisms are, how much we enjoy a game depends on how much we like their loops. And Skyrim’s loop is incredibly enjoyable. You can...
If you've played Arena and Daggerfall you know the earliest Elder Scrolls games had a fair bit of nudity in them. So in a sense mods likeHighly Improved Male Body Overhaul (HIMBO),Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer, andSchlongs of Skyrimare just bringing Skyrim back to its roots. And ...
mods created by the Skyrim community. From adding serious RPG story content to providing ridiculous possibilities like replacing all dragons with Thomas the Tank Engine, the PC version of Skyrim adds nearly endless options to an already expansive, enormous game. You absolutely should play Skyrim on...
The Skyrim community has made some incredible mods for the game. Here are the best mods that focus on graphic enhancement and improvement.