Through our fully accredited virtual school,EdOptions Academy, we can provide a state-certified virtual teacher for both long- and short-term needs. Whether you are fulling a known staffing need or addressing openings that come as a surprise, EdOptions Academy offers over 400 state-sta...
Math Corner New Teacher Advisor Reader's Theater Reading Coach Responsive Classroom Strategies That Work Teacher Feature Voice of Experience Web Site ReviewsTechnology The Math Machine The Reading Machine The Science Machine Online Safety Sites to See WebQuest Technology Experts Tech Team Using Technology...
Students need to have a thorough understanding of their digital footprint, how to effectively communicate, the tools they can use, strategies for when they feel unsafe online, and what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Supporting Digital Citizenship During Remote Learning Educators ...
Taking care of oneself is an often overlooked, yet critically important aspect of being an effective teacher. The role of a teacher can be emotionally and physically demanding, with long hours, high-stakes responsibilities, and the emotional labor that comes with caring for and educating a classro...
teacher and the student need the time and support to engage effectively in this digital space. Assume that your students possess skills in virtual learning technology. This will usually include virtual conferencing and digital material connections. Of course, individual skills will vary for each ...
Istation makes personalized learning easy with computer-adaptive instruction, assessments, personalized data profiles, and teacher resources. Includes digital lessons and face-to-face teaching strategies. (Grades pre-K to grade 8; priced per student) ...
Christine Reeve shares autism resources and tips for the classroom, homeschooling, and virtual learning. Her goal is to develop strategies and materials to provide meaningful and practical support to teachers and caregivers of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other related disorders.MORE ...
Enhancing the Supervision of Teacher Candidates: Best Practices and Strategies Employed by National Board Certified TeachersBeverly J. MelenyzerM. CooleyR. McCreary
Users can share quizzes with study groups or embed them in courses and websites to foster collaborative learning. With progress tracking, learners can monitor their development over time, allowing for adaptive study strategies. The simple and clean layout facilitates a smooth learning experience ...
At home, parents and families will also find a lot of value in reading websites. To make the most of them, it can be helpful to understand your child’s current reading level first. Ask your child’s teacher to share this information, and thenlearn more about how reading levels work he...