His star-making role would come in 2002 with Burr Steers' "Igby Goes Down," an indie drama about a teenager (played by Culkin) rebelling against his wealth and eccentric family. A critical success, "Igby" earned Culkin a Golden Globe Award nomination, among other laurels, for...
Lab Rats combines science fiction with comedy, providing a narrative that resonates with the inventive and humorous style of Side Hustle. The show follows a teenager helping bionic creations blend into society, mirroring the problem-solving and adventurous nature of Lex, Presley, and Munchy, with ...
What It's About: Based on the novel of the same name, The Lovely Bones tells the story of a teenager who was murdered by a child predator and watches her family from the other side as they grieve her loss and attempt to learn who the killer is. Why It's One Of The Best Free Mov...
A good sports movie may be hard to find but when it is done well, no other kind of movie can inspire us, aggravate us, make us cheer, or make us cry in equal measure or even in the same moment. It’s the best of both worlds. Mixing the competitive physical feats and last-minute...
Two adults, One teenager, Superb accommodation, clean and spacious. Two storeys, two baths and showers. Small pool but never crowded, good sitting out areas, Around pool and Apartment. Situated..." Apartamentos Tao Laia Show prices Enter dates to see prices View on map 3 reviews #228 of...
We’re All Going to the World’s Fair communicates the excitement and fear that accompany creating a new self on the internet, as well as the excitement and fear of encountering others online who think they know you. Casey, an internet-obsessed lonely teenager (Anna Cobb, in an ...
Directed By: S.S. Rajamouli Gagarine 95% #35 Critics Consensus: Balancing whimsy-tinged magic realism against serious themes of community and displacement, Gagarine is as bracingly original as it is ultimately poignant. Synopsis: Teenager Youri (gifted newcomer Alseni Bathily) has lived his...
Paul Rudd headlinesThe Fundamentals of Caringas Ben Benjamin, a frustrated writer whose marriage has crumbled. Ben reinvents himself as a caregiver, and he is soon hired to look after Trevor (Craig Roberts), a teenager suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Despite their shared emotional pain...
The plot evolves around a hypochondriac girl who works as a ground stewardess helping a terminally ill teenager fulfilling her bucket list. Read more Watch the trailer of Then Came You Stream Then Came You via: Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates After DIRECTOR: N/A CAST: N/A Tessa ...
When I asked Andy Samberg about it, when the Lonely Island was on an episode of my podcast Good One, he answered: “When I was a kid, and a teenager and I was obsessed with Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey stuff. I’d be like, ‘You have to watch this!’ and my friends or parents...