It depends on where you are going and how. According to theTransportation Security Administration, stun guns and self defense sprays are allowed in checked baggage with restriction and prohibited in carry-on. For more information, please visit TSA siteor contact yourairline, they should be able ...
The price of 12 gauge ammo, shotgun ammo & 9mm ammo is rising. Handgun ammo, rifle ammo, shotgun ammo storage, reloading supplies, optics, scopes, it’s all up. But there are still places to get bargain shotgun shells, especially with bulk ammo deals… Our favorite suppliers of shotgun...
Personally, as someone who has shot and carried the Browning X-Bolt, I feel it is a good pick. It is light, has a superb trigger, and has shown to be just as accurate or better than the typical shooter. The Browning X-Bolt, in my view, will provide you with more than enough ser...