Why we love it: Students may already know Roald Dahl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and other whimsical novels. But, this short story will challenge their opinion of Dahl. Encourage students to analyze the dramatic irony and discuss: Who is the innocent lamb in this story?
44 classic picture books and short stories of the 20th century were compiled by Janet Schulman in one collection. The selections range from concept books and wordless books to picture books and short read-aloud stories, and represent the complete array of childhood themes and reading needs. ⇢ ...
For something a bit longer, we also have a list ofshort novels. The Best Sci-Fi Short Stories, recommended by R.S.A. Garcia Read 1 Last Stand of the East 12th Street Pirates by L. D. Lewis Read 2 Convergence Problems by Wole Talabi ...
I thought this was a good survey and added it as a citation list to theClassics of Science Fictiondatabase. We like to regularly add new polls, lists, and awards to the database because our two lists are generated on the fly listing the most popular novels and short stories. Keeping up...
Why we love it: Students already know Dahl from his whimsical (if slightly dark) novels likeMatildaandCharlie and the Chocolate Factory, but this short story will show students another side of the author. Talk about the story and how versatile an author can be. ...
Butler is a classic post-apocalyptic science fiction novel from 1993. It’s one of the best stories to read if you want to contemplate America collapsing from economic inequality. Most post-apocalyptic novels begin during the collapse or a short time after and are about the characters struggling...
Butler is a classic post-apocalyptic science fiction novel from 1993. It’s one of the best stories to read if you want to contemplate America collapsing from economic inequality. Most post-apocalyptic novels begin during the collapse or a short time after and are about the characters struggling...
New York-based architects Reiser+Umemoto use short, informative chapters to explain their design process through a series topics that have driven their work | Recommended by Becky Quintal Save this picture! BIG, HOT TO COLD: An Odyssey of Architectural Adaptation / Bjarke Ingels ...
There are already a number of successful series within the genre, and it is likely that we will see more of these in the future. With so much demand for new titles, it is also probable that we will see more authors trying their hand at writing LitRPG novels. ...
The Best Novels Best Fiction of 2024 Best Fiction of 2023 Books by Nobel Literature Prize Winners Classics of English Literature Classic American Literature Best Fiction of the Past 20 Years Book Club Books Short Novels American Novels Historical Fiction ...