His assistant Shooter (Dennis Hopper), a troubled local and former basketball star, aids him in this quest. Hoosiers, inspired by true events from 1954, is a sports drama that received two Academy Award nominations, including one for Hopper's supporting role. Released: 1986 Directed by: David...
It is the fictional story of five ordinary people (a sports shooter, a gangster, a policeman, a businessman, and head of a private security firm) who band together in order to assassinate the man responsible for the massacre of innocent civilians in Gwangju in May 1980. Released...
Remnant 2 | $29.99/£25.19 (40% off) | 🏆 Best Shooter 2023 A co-op shooter with some genuinely weird locations and bosses—we described one of them as "a giant alien god that can punch through reality"—and distinctive, challenging third-person gun and melee combat. Like the first...
Shooters on phones have come a long way. Not so many years ago, the concept of using touch controls on a fast-paced first-person shooter would have been unthinkable (to say nothing of unplayable), but that’s changed a lot in recent years. You can play any of the games below with to...
Another year comes and goes in the gaming industry, and like always, lots of new video games were released throughout the year. Today, we’re set to focus on shooters and what they’ve brought to the table as we tell you our top five picks for the best shooter game of 2022. ...
Warframewas released in 2013 to little fanfare, appearing to be just another power-armor-in-space shooter. The developer, Digital Extremes, had never produced a major hit on its own (though it had done outsource work for theUnrealandBioShockseries before). The fact that it was free-to-pla...
Moving on to the most anticipated games coming in 2024, the only title to get more than two prizes was GSC Game World's STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, which won in the shooter categories (with the only unanimous vote in all of the staff polls) and in the community's mo...
Get your fix of the best free shooting games on consoles, from classics of the genre to innovative shooters pushing the genre forward.Grace Dean Published: 7 months ago What are the best free shooting games on console? It can be hard picking what shooter to play next, but our round up ...
Have you ever wanted to see a movie that replicated the feel of playing a first-person shooter video game? Then Hardcore Henry is the one for you. The plot doesn’t really matter—there’s something about experiments and lost memories and whatever—as this is all an exercise in style. Wr...
Yang's games delight in taking 3D characters who look like they belong in a shooter—his early work included Half-Life 2 mods—then stretching and exaggerating them for effect. They're like sexed-up versions ofan0nymoose's Source Filmmaker videos. ...