The duo begins to put together the worst play possible, titled "Springtime for Hitler", with a terrible director and a hippie-freak star. Released: 1968 Directed by: Mel Brooks Dig Deeper Every Song in The Producers, Ranked by Singability Also ranks #2 on The 17 Most Absurd Transla...
Delving into the perilous world of espionage and political intrigue during World War II, Cédric Jimenez's The Man With the Iron Heart presented a thrilling cat-and-mouse game between Czech resistance fighters and Reinhard Heydrich (Jason Clarke) - architect of Hitler's Final Solution. Balanci...
Adapted from the true-crime novel of the same name,The Good Nursestars Jessica Chastain as Amy Loughren, a single mother and ICU nurse. When a series of untimely patient deaths start cropping up around the hospital, Amy begins to suspect that new hire Charles Cullen (Eddie Redmayne) is the...
When people say ‘they don’t make ‘em like they used to’, they’re mainly talking aboutThe Fugitive, a blockbuster murder-mystery set on a big canvas that boasts sophisticated character work, complex motivations and action-movie thrills. Headlining it all, of course, is Harrison Ford as ...
with the central figures being the Kurcs, a family of Polish Jews. As Hitler’s reign of terror progresses, the family scatters, with some ending up in the U.S. and others in concentration camps. The series follows their journey after the war as the surviving family members try desperatel...
(And yes, Johan is German and blond, and eugenics is an explicit part of the plot. So the Hitler reference isn't out of nowhere.) The series follows Doc Kenzo for a full 74 episodes of hunting down Johan via the madman's ever-widening trail of destruction — 74 half-hour episodes ...
British animator Nick Park made his name with a series of award-winning stop-motion shorts featuring Wallace, an inventor whose creations often go awry, and Gromit, his devoted dog. In their Oscar-winning feature debut (a coproduction between Park’s Aardman Animations and DreamWorks), the two...
Overview: Dancer in the Dark – With his third film from the series “Heart of Gold Trilogy” Lars von Trier takes us on a passionate music adventure of a poor Czech immigrant who moves to the states with her son. Iceland’s singer Björk plays the main character. The Film uses stylist...
on a series of love affairs, dogged by a jealous rival, until everything finally comes together at the very last minute. It's meticulously researched and constructed, but all done with such a breezy insouciance and flair, the characters even interacting with the camera and riffing on film ...
Cunk on Earth Photo Credit: Netflix This British series landing on Netflix in 2023 is technically more of a mockumentary than a documentary. Still, it employs real experts to answer the inane questions of reporter Philomena Cunk, played hilariously by Diane Morgan. In this six-part series, Cu...