Below you will find all the details you need when it comes to Fortnite on console, or via PC with a controller. While the illustrations are all for a DualShock 4 on a PS4, you can simply swap the middle button for the Xbox One’s View button or the Switch’s minus button, and so...
ADS sens. multiplier (4x zoom) 0.75 ADS sens. multiplier (5x zoom) 0.75 ADS sens. multiplier (6x zoom) 1.00 ADS sens. multiplier (7x zoom) 1.00 ADS sens. multiplier (8x zoom) 1.00 ADS sensitivity multiplier (high zoom) 1.00 Aim response curve type Dynamic Controller vibration Disabled Gas...
These are the best Warzone graphics settings for Console. You can also change things up for the controller options. Although, quite a few of these are more down to personal preference than anything else. These are some recommendations, but they are roughly up to what you prefer in the game....