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Maverick, Windsor and the gang have a brand new, beautiful look. You can still find the ebook and paperbacks where all books are sold. Legacy, which was formally a crossover novel in The Salvation Series has been rewritten to be exclusively in the Crazy Good World. While The Crazy Good S...
Still reading hardbacks and paperbacks? It's time to reconsider that and upgrade to an e-reader. The latest e-readers offer an easy-to-read display that can be seen — glare-free — in almost any lighting, even direct sunlight. They also come with enough storage to hold thousands of top...
Previous speakers include:John Maxwell, author of 83 books and the world-renown leadership expert;Hal Elrod, international bestselling author ofThe Miracle Morning;Chandler Bolt, bestselling author and CEO ofSelf-Publishing School;Dave Chesson, founder of Kindlepreneur andPublisher Rocket,Ashley Crouch...
Lisa Towles is an award-winning, Amazon bestselling crime novelist and a passionate speaker on the topics of fiction writing, creativity, and Strategic Self Care. Lisa has nine crime novels in print with a new title, Salt Island, forthcoming in June of 2023. Her latest thriller, The Ridder...
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i want to sell individual single magazines but only see gumtree uk or ebay uk but want to list till sold in the uk do you know any that will let me show 2 photos in the uk gerry Reply Satrap Gerry, selling single magazine is kind of hard, unless it’s a vintage one or something...
we’d have to set our wholesale discount at 55%, meaning that our retail price would have to be at least $22.38 if we wanted to make a single cent ofprofit. The price is almost certainly prohibitive for writers of fiction and memoir, whose readers are used to buying paperbacks for under...
Called a "female Moriarty," Fredericka Mandelbaum was a criminal mastermind who organized bank robbers, housebreakers and shoplifters to supply her business of selling stolen goods. Like her excellentbook on Conan Doyle and Oscar Slater, Fox goes beyond just Mandelbaum to provide the context and ba...
阅读理解 Londoners are great readers. They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and even of books especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of ever-in-creasing rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy“