Kennedy. The show expertly weaves elements of alternate history, conspiracy theories, and the implications of tampering with the past to create an engaging and thought-provoking saga. In addition, the production design impeccably recreates a bygone era through clothing, cars, locations, and cul...
Its affordability and power made it one of the most popular muscle cars of its time. 7. 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge The Pontiac GTO is often credited with starting the muscle car craze in the mid-60s, but by 1971, the GTO had evolved into something even more ferocious: The GTO Judge. This...
During the 1960s, record charts were not based on sales of any kind. Shops supplied the big music papers with lists of 50 records that were selling in that particular shop. The music papers (themselves) took up to 200 charts from various shops across the UK & Ireland & added all those...
Starting at the age of five, he began working on classic muscle from the '60s with his father, which blossomed into his own passion for modifying cars, which include a 500 whp Big Turbo SRT-4 Neon and a FBO Protuned '17 WRX. Not a day goes by that Max doesn't th...
Nothing makes a great first impression like a clean car interior. We tested the top upholstery cleaners and tools so you can keep your cabin pristine.
Standout benefits: The Hartword's telematics program, TrueLane, can save you up to 40% for following safe driving habits. [ Jump to more details ] Best for new cars: Travelers Travelers Auto Insurance Learn More Cost The best way to estimate your costs is to request a quote App availab...
Fun fact: Stewart was best known as the author of popular romantic suspense novels until the publication of The Crystal Cave, the first in what would be a bestselling Arthurian quintet of novels. * John Sladek’s New Wave science-fiction adventure The Müller-Fokker Effect (1970). While ...
Flying to the Middle East, however, they narrowly escape being blown up. Then, as they ride on horseback to the Emir’s hideout, armoured cars and fighter planes — sent by “Mull Pasha”, who is actually Tintin’s old nemesis, Dr. Müller — are sent to intercept them. Eventually, ...
The next few “Cars” movies may leave us cold, but at least we’ll always have a friend in “Toy Story.” —MN 47. “Soul” (2020) Pixar has carved out a niche for itself as a purveyor of colorful, kid-friendly stories with themes that can bring adults to tears. But for “...
That being said, one thing about “Lost Highway” is absolutely fixed: This is the Lynch movie that’s the most of its time. Not in a bad way, of course, but the film just screams’90s goth, thanks mostly to a best-selling soundtrack featuring tracks from David Bowie, Trent Reznor,...