At level five, you’ll be able to join one ofPokémon Go‘s three teams: Instinct (yellow), Mystic (blue), or Valor (red). Although picking a team is a binding decision, which one you go with doesn’t matter all that much. All it does is determine what other players you are alli...
Unless people want it I won't put up the "top XX moveset" as it's basically just the legos. Search reddit Submit N/ALink Submit N/AText 18 Jul 2016 19 shortlink: (80% upvoted) Best Move-Set for each Pokemon based on Peak R ANK 21 18 8 68 70 D EX 3 6 9 12 15 N AME ...
16718 10:26BestMoveSetsandMatch-Upsv2 TheSilphRoad 1 15 https:.redditrTheSilphRoadcomments4teoe2best_move_sets_and_matchups_v2 N/AN/A 2,081currentlytraveling 18Jul2016 19 (80%upvoted) shortlink: SubmitLinkSubmitText Welcome,newtravelers!Learn:AbouttheSilphRoad»andPokemonGO'sLaunch:LaunchMegath...