Logan's Run is another popular science fiction TV show that aired in the 1970s. Comedian Robin Williams became a breakout star after appearing on Mork & Mindy in the 1970s. Other great series that appear on this top 1970s sci-fi shows list include Doctor Who, The Six Million Dollar Man...
20th Century Fox Television The X-Filesis a pop culture touchstone that would entertain numerous fans with more than 200 episodes released over 25 years, making it the longest-running science fiction series in the U.S. The show follows FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), a believer in t...
This science fiction drama masterfully combines riveting storytelling with groundbreaking visual effects. The series delves into complex themes such as ethics, loyalty, and the consequences of playing God, keeping viewers thoroughly engaged without resorting to gratuitous spectacle. With its stellar cast ...
Movies TV Series So that you don't have to spend hours searching through thousands of movies, some good, some bad and everything in-between, we've compiled a list of the best science-fiction movies and television shows currently on Netflix that you can watch...while we all continue to ...
From superhero shows and space operas to creepy anthology series — the 50 best science fiction TV shows of all time.
If you’re looking for inspiration, Peacock’s collection of science fiction movies and television series might be the perfect place to start. To be sure, not all sci-fi flicks present an ideal future, and they might serve you better as a warning than a blueprint, but either way you’re...
The 100 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time How to Parallel Park The 51 Coolest Trucks Of All Time 61 Incredible Things Robots Can Now Do 50 Killer Science Desktop Wallpapers Wedge of Tomorrow: 20 of the Greatest Sports Cars of the '70s and '80s...
Jane’s journey is a science-fiction-less account of a transgendered person coming to grips with the secrets her/his body has held for so long. It’s something truly special: The Spierig Brothers were able to take such an archetypal idea as time travel and ground it in the heartrending ...
machines. It’s provocative and exciting at its best and downright disturbing at its worst — but even then, it’s still high-quality science fiction. Season 4 offers bleak and oftentimes disturbing analyses of not just the startling things technology might be able to do in the future, but ...
The science-fiction resurgence is in full swing on television. If you’re struggling to find the best sci-fi on Netflix, there’s something for everyone below. You have to watch The Expanse and read the books. It’s a fun ride on the Rocinante. And there are plenty of shows to choos...