Science Fiction Fantasy Magical Realism Crime Fiction ThrillersandMysteries Climate Fiction (aka Cli-Fi) Romance Horror The Best Novels of 2024: The Booker Prize Shortlist, recommended by Nitin Sawhney Every year, the £50,000 Booker Prize is awarded to a work of fiction newly published in Eng...
From The Fly to Event Horizon, horror expert Neil McRobert is here just in time for Halloween with a guide to the best science horror films of all time
Full of riveting speculative stories, sci-fi/mystery blends, and enchanting fantasy worlds, the best science fiction and fantasy novels of 2023 provide engrossing reading adventures. Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame.Chain-Gang All-Stars.Pantheon. ISBN 9780593317334. In a future United States, incarcerated ...
Discover an endless feed of Science Fiction writing prompts, sent to your inbox weekly. Ready to be inspired?
In the first novel in Isaac Asimov's classic science-fiction masterpiece, we travel to a sprawling galaxy on the brink of collapse. But a brilliant mathematician named Hari Seldon predicts the impending downfall. To safeguard civilization's future, Seldon establishes the Foundation, a covert organi...
Klara and the Sun: A Novel by Kazuo Ishiguro Read expert recommendations “Ishiguro is one of these novelists who is writing science fiction, but it’s not science fiction as we normally encounter it. It’s not the invention of a completely different world. Instead he takes one or maybe ...
北极星奖——最佳青少年图书 Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book (presented by the World Science Fiction Society) 《塑造龙息》 《To Shape a Dragon’s Breath》莫尼基尔·布莱克古思 (Moniquill Blackgoose)著 ,Del Rey 出版 惊奇奖——最佳新人 Astounding Award for Best New Writer (presented by ...
Ian Rankin, no less, describes it as “[Philip K.] Dick’s They meets early Iain Banks or Ian McEwan in this novel of a near-future family meltdown”, which is every bit “as gripping as it is horrifying”. Read more The best new science fiction books of December 2023 Klova by ...
Immortal Longings published July 18, 2023. Amazon Apple Books Barnes & Noble Prophet By Helen Macdonald Neil Gaiman calls Prophet“present-day science fiction that feels like the best sort of spy novel.” The plot follows American Intelligence Officer Adam Rubenstein and ex-MI6 Agent Sunil Rao,...
A writer whose short story has been included in an anthology.Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor, Mystery, Non-fiction, Novel,22. Which competition requires an entry fee?Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Science Writing, Young Adult A. The Book of the Year Awards. B. The Self-Published Science...