The movie deftly incorporates elements of both sci-fi and the genre, creating an entertaining and unique fusion all its own. With its witty humor, exciting action, and charming characters, it remains an enduring favorite and a fitting conclusion to the iconic trilogy. Released: 1990 Directed by...
Dig Deeper 'Gattaca' Is An Underrated '90s Classic That NASA Called The Most Plausible Sci-Fi Film Of All Time Also ranks #1 on Great Underdog Movies That Have Nothing To Do With Sports Also ranks #2 on 12 Sci-Fi Movies Where An Amazing Piece Of Technology Does More Harm Than Good 8...
Two of the three other Men in Black movies are also streaming on Peacock if you want to see how J and K’s stories progress, but both fail to capture the heart and soul of this iconic ‘90s sci-fi movie. Stream Men in Black on Peacock. Men In Black $3.59at Amazon (Image credit...
Alien, 2012, No One Will Save You, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and more make up our list of the best sci-fi movies on Hulu.
The 50 Greatest Sci-Fi Movies 1 of 50 50) Silent Running (1972) Director:Douglas TrumbullStarring:Bruce Dern, Cliff Potts, Ron RifkinDouglas Trumbull had previously brought his VFX experience to film on such groundbreaking classics as 2001, but Silent Running – a sort of proto-Wall-E, with...
Time to catch up on some long overdue sci-fi, so here's our handy guide to what's on Netflix this month.
Terminator 2: Judgment Daywas one of thebest sci-fi action movies of the 1990s, and its impact can still be felt in filmmaking today. It helped usher in a new era for visual effects, embracing computer-generated images to create convincing action sequences between the two Terminators. It’...
If you’re looking for inspiration, Peacock’s collection of science fiction movies and television series might be the perfect place to start. To be sure, not all sci-fi flicks present an ideal future, and they might serve you better as a warning than a blueprint, but either way you’re...
The best sci-fi movies on Max right now The movie, which tells the story of Whitey Bulger's criminal empire and his cooperation with the FBI, is almost a decade old now. If you missed it when it was first released in theaters, though, these are three reasons that you should definitely...
1980s Best Movies/View All December 4, 2024 Outland (1981) This week, Rob Will Taylor fills in for Dick Ebert to join Gene Lyons in breaking down the 1981 sci-fi thriller Outland, starring Sean Connery. Often described as “High Noon in space,” this overlooked gem takes us to Jupiter...