A quintessential '90s teen movie filled with iconic fashion statements and catchphrases galore! Clueless follows Cher Horowitz as she navigates Beverly Hills High School with charm and style to spare. This satirical take on Jane Austen's "Emma" explores popularity, friendship dynamics, and self-dis...
Now married to her long-time high school sweetheart, Tommy, Arlene is itching to start a family and become the mother she always dreamed of being. But that's proving more difficult than she thought, and Arlene is desperate to find something to do to keep her mind off things. And get ...
Sarah WoodJan. 16, 2025 Tips to Start Graduate School Connecting with your classmates and improving time management can help prepare you for grad school. Anayat DurraniJan. 9, 2025 Get Accepted Into College With a Low GPA Students with a low GPA may want to consider community college or re...
In the hyper-competitive world of college admissions, students can their families can be pressured into thinking that the only thing that matters is getting into the highest-tier school and that a costly consultant is their only option. However, that’s not always the case. There are many con...
Steve Hargadon is the founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, the host of the Future of Education and Reinventing School interview series, and the founder and chair (or co-chair) of a number of annual worldwide virtual events, including the Global Education Conference and the ...
Ostracized and humiliated, she forms an unlikely alliance with Eleanor (Maya Hawke), the mysterious new girl at school. Together, they plan to take their revenge on those who wronged them. But as Drea enlists Eleanor to be her eyes and ears to strike back against her boyfriend, she soon ...
, says the school attends the fairs to meet and connect with high school counselors and prospective students. “the fairs not only help us showcase what a top r-1 (i.e. research) university in the west has to offer but also provide an opportunity for students...
the ultimate people skills course,People School Making the Right Business Moves Making profitable career moves requires vision, hard work, talent, and direction. But where do you go and what should you do? Life coaches for personal development can become the beacon of life in your business journ...
Best Personal Development Podcasts to Listen to ⋅ 1. The Tim Ferriss Show ⋅ 2. The School of Greatness ⋅ 3. On Purpose with Jay Shetty ⋅ 4. Oprah's Super Soul ⋅ 5. The Jordan Harbinger Show
The Ring Battery Doorbell Plus is very easy to install and set up, and it can operate on either battery or low-voltage power if you’re replacing an old-school doorbell. Stay tuned for our hands-on review of the cheaper Ring Battery Doorbell. which retains that 1:1 aspect ratio, albeit...