At school, Yui and Kyouko decide to create the “Amusement Club,” which now occupies the room of the now-extinct “Tea Club,” and as soon as Akari joins her friends in her new club, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, she appears to think that she was in front of the “Club of Tea.” Only when...
Blue Spring Riderevolves around Futaba Yoshioka who gets reunited with her middle school crush Tanaka Kou after entering high school. But Kou seems to have changed personalities from the boy she once knew. While more overtly romantic thanMy Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU,Blue Spring Ridestill handles ...
These are the best starter anime shows to watch, including Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fruits Basket, and more.
Set in the Taishou era, Kyoichiro only wants to finish school and return to his village as a great man. / 28 Sukisho Sukishois a BL anime based on a visual novel that combines comedy, drama, romance, and school life. It was produced by Zexcs and released in the winter of 2005. Its...
Over 56.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Old School Anime from Before 1999 HOW RANKINGS WORK Young kids today don't know how good '80s anime and '90s anime really were. With the abundance ofnew animethat is available these days, sometimes it's nice to kick your...
A rom-com fan favorite amongst many of the anime community, series like Toradora is the perfect watch for any young subscriber looking to stream anime for the first time. High school student Ryuji Takasu is blessed with a nice personality but is cursed with his father’s evil-looking face,...
Following Naruto Uzumaki and his journey to learning jutsu and becoming the ninja hokage, Naruto is a action shounen series that takes many anime fans back to their childhood. Other animes related to Naruto include other shounen giants like One Piece or Dragon Ball Z, both long in narrative ...
This anime was an influential one in the history of BL anime as it inspired to hundred other animes that are coming out now. So if you need to watch a classic anime, Gravitation is the one for you. 24. Gakuen Heaven (2006) Title: Gakuen Heaven ...
are adorable and extremely lewd. For example, we can see them blowing Hayato dressed as maids in a public bathroom or fuck him on the school roof while in their cute school uniforms. If you fantasize about a threesome with twin sisters, “Love Me: Kaede to Suzu” is a must-watch. ...
Sometimes we wish our relationships were like an anime. In some cases we're glad they're not. Here are top 10 best rromance anime to watch in 2021!