Sylas is at his best when he roams around the map looking for picks with his early-game spike. Rocketbelt is the best item for him early because he can quickly pounce in while still being about to get out of dodge if needed. While teams should definitely plan their draft around Sylas n...
In the mid and late game, you will be the one responsible for engaging for your team. While Malphite’s ultimate can be game-changing, it can be easily dodged. To get the best results, you should look for flanks, especially with your Teleport. If that’s not possible, try cooperating ...
Analyze the available data and learnhow to beat Yasuo. To master Yasuo take also a look onYasuo buildsandrunes for Yasuo. Good luck, Summoner! EN EnglishEN DeutschDE TürkçeTR PolskiPL Tiếng ViệtVN EspañolES РусскийRU ...
Sylas is quite good in a team fight, especially if the opposing team has an AoE-based ultimate. His life steal from W will keep him from dying too soon. Why Sylas is a great jungler His ganks are deadly as soon as he hits level 2. He scales well into the mid and late-game. ...
Amumu’s ultimate ability locks them in bondage for quite a long time Katarina is just mommy material what else can I say? Go play her now! 1. Sylas “Hijack” + Kayle “Divine Judgment” Image View Gallery The undying combo! At number one we have Sylas and Kayle. If you read my ...
Now we have Master Yi. This guy has more eyes in his head than Jax. You might think that’s a good thing but it’s not. It’s just for aesthetics. Master Yi is simple to learn and play. Master Yi’s abilities allow him to clear out the jungle camps fast enough to contest scuttl...