If you want to really follow a publication, writer, or something else online and see everything they publish—not just what some social media algorithm throws your way—the best way to do it is with an RSS reader. RSS (it stands for Really Simple Syndication) has been around since the...
RSS feeds are the ultimate power user tool for keeping up with the news, and power users can't stand clumsy software. Learn how to level up your RSS feeds Automate your RSS If you have a Mac, that means the best choice is a native macOS RSS reader. Sure, you could use a web-...
If you are tired of paying for options like Feedly or Inoreader, you can simply add/import your RSS feeds to these apps: 1. Feeder Feeder is my favorite RSS reader app for Android that provides agood user experience and a few customization optionsto filter/organize your feeds. It does sup...
RSS apps are dime a dozen on the iPhone. While each promises to deliver you the news, Unread is one of the best-looking readers out there. Developed by Jared Sinclair aka Nice Boy, Unread is a news app that promises to be the best RSS reader on iOS. After swiping through a few intr...
RSS2.com brings you the all the latest news from the best websites. Sit back, relax and enjoy. Questions, suggestions or concerns can be sent to gserafini [at] gmail.com. Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL+D Click here to save this page on del.icio.us ...
you no longer need to spend longer time in seeing feeds and events from online magazines, social media websites, YouTube, and more. Many businesses use RSS reader app to stay up to date to help them analyze their market and do the necessary steps not to stay behind from the competition....
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC View, navigate, and print PDF files. Free iTop VPN FREE VPN from iTop Secures Your Online Privacy Free uTorrent uTorrent is one of the world's most popular torrent clients. Free Microsoft Office Word 2007 Update ...
:iphone: Curated list of THE BEST FOSS Android apps to maximize your freedom & privacy! - Psyhackological/AAA
★★★AcroReaderDCPDF ★☆☆☆OminiFocus(不推荐)时间管理,不支持dropbox ★☆☆☆OminiPlan(不推荐)项目管理 ★★★OminiGraffle Pro图标,流程图 ★★★☆QuietRSS离线RSS阅读 ★☆☆☆TrueCrypt加密文件映射为磁盘 ★☆☆☆Twitterrifictwitter客户端 ★☆☆☆Paws for Trello...
Firefox for Android provides best mobile browsing experience. It offers built-in reader mode that gives distract free reading experience. Also, You can install Add-ons in the Firefxox Mobile Browser including Adblocker. Firefox Browser fast & private ...