Select content typeChoose from one of four content types. RSS, Facebook, Instagram, Google Calendar, YouTube or X with unique features for each of them. Enter your feed sourcesAdd your feed sources URLs or Calendar ID. Multiple feeds can be added together in a single widget in paid plans...
RSSfeeds enable you to see when blogs or websites have added new content so you can get the latest headlines, videos, and images within a single interface, immediately after being published, without necessarily visiting the news sources (you have taken the feeds from). To subscribe to a feed...
Web apps. A web-based news feed reader lets you read content online using any device just by visiting a site. If you're used to reading things in your browser, it's the most natural experience. Most of these apps can also work with popular native RSS apps that sync feeds directly to...
RSS feeds are the ultimate power user tool for keeping up with the news, and power users can't stand clumsy software. Learn how to level up your RSS feeds Automate your RSS If you have a Mac, that means the best choice is a native macOS RSS reader. Sure, you could use a web-...
RSS feed plugins are great for bringing fresh content to your WordPress website. They help you automatically pull articles, videos, news, updates, and more from other sites to make your content more dynamic. RSS feeds can also help boost user engagement, drive traffic, and keep your audience...
Our editors have selected the best tech news sites for 2019 including Techcrunch, mashable, engadget, TheVerge, reddit and more!
Our editors have selected the best tech news sites for 2019 including Techcrunch, mashable, engadget, TheVerge, reddit and more!
One mother's win over Meta will change social media for everyone Show HN: FastOpenAPI – automated docs for many Python frameworks Landrun: Sandbox any Linux process using Landlock, no root or containers Slashdot( Oneoftheoldestsocialtechnewssites ...
Our editors have selected the best tech news sites for 2019 including Techcrunch, mashable, engadget, TheVerge, reddit and more!
24 Best Terminal Emulators for Linux RSSfeeds enable you to see when blogs or websites have added new content so you can get the latest headlines, videos, and images within a single interface, immediately after being published, without necessarily visiting the news sources (you have taken the ...