This wildly popular South Korean romantic comedy tells the story of a college student who becomes involved with an unpredictable and spirited young woman. The film's witty dialogue, hilarious antics, and heartfelt moments make it an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. With its charming leads and...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 110+ films on Best R-Rated Japanese Movies. Current Top 3: Zero Woman: The Hunted, Beautiful Hunter, Battle Royale
Prepare yourself for the anime to utterly break your heart into pieces because the narrative is a little gloomy toward the end. Clannad is a must-watch romantic and depressing anime because it focuses heavily on the struggles people encounter in life and the importance of romance. 4. Horimiya ...
Best Romantic Japanese dramas to watch on Netflix & VIKI in 2020 13| Legend of Yunxi, 2018 In the time of the big land’s split into three kingdoms, Tian Ning, Western Zhou and Northern Li and the ruler of Tian Ning is a devious and suspicious person fearing his subordinate, Long Fei...
‘Young Royals’ addresses various themes associated with teenage life, including stalking, abuse, racism, homophobia, infidelity, and more. How it points out all these while grabbing onto its main romantic plot is what makes the series a worthy drama. It can be streamedhere. ...
While watching each member navigating their careers, life with their housemates and romantic pursuits is entertaining on its own, what really makes the show is the commentary provided by the panel of Japanese comedians and TV personalities who make sidesplitting remarks about the characters’ interacti...
Romantic K-dramas and Korean rom-coms have a certain indescribable charm that we simply cannot resist, and these Korean romance movies will leave you swooning.
On this list of the greatest Japanese movies of all time, you’ll find them all, alongside, of course, Kurosawa’s epics, Miyazaki’s soulful animations and Ozu’s powerful domestic dramas – oh, and Godzilla too. You’ll trace Japan’s unique filmmaking history, moving from the silent ...
Language:Japanese Where to find it:On Netflix,Amazon Prime Japanese romantic comedy movies Tampopo Ramen is serious business in Japan, which makes it the perfect comedic fodder for the movie “Tampopo”. A truck driver tries the noodle soup of a widowed lady, and admits that it’s “sincere...
Yuna is a head-in-the-clouds romantic who believes in waiting for her perfect true love. Akari, however, “meets love head-on”. She’s full of confidence and a lust for life. The quiet, shy romantic versus the flirtatious and curious realist. This romance manga’s creator has made it...