Also ranks #6 on The 25+ Best Romantic Comedy Anime 15 The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten 2023 4,132 votes Mahiru Shiina is a beautiful, smart, prime, and proper young woman who has earned the nickname “Angel" by many. In contrast, her next-door neighbor Amane Fujimiya is the exac...
A romantic comedy hall-of-famer, 1999’s She’s All That gives us one of the most iconic and absurd examples of nerdy-girl-isn’t-hot-until-you-take-her-glasses-off movie magic. Freddie Prinze Jr. is lovably smug as the high school top dawg who bets his bros he can turn any girl...
A new film by Wen Jiang, who has been dubbed as the ‘Chinese Baz Luhrmann’. Gone With the Bullets is an extravagant action/comedy/drama film about two long time friends becoming arch enemies, that takes place in Shanghai of the 1920’s . Read more Watch the trailer of Gone With the...
Chinese Title: 愛是一把槍 | Director: Lee Hong-chi | Starring: Lee Hong-chi, Patricia Lin | Genre(s): Drama Taiwanese actor Lee Hong-chi is perhaps best known to English-language audiences for his leading role inTigertail, but even before that he had roles in prominent art films across...
Critics Consensus: Capturing its stars and director at their finest, It Happened One Night remains unsurpassed by the countless romantic comedies it has inspired. Synopsis: In Frank Capra's acclaimed romantic comedy, spoiled heiress Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) impetuously marries the scheming ...
Hot Mom! ( 辣妈正传 là mā zhèng zhuàn) is a 2013 Chinese romantic comedy drama. The show follows the story of Xia Bing ( 夏冰 xià bīng) a 26-year-old woman whose life motto is “No marriage or kids until the age of 30.”...
Many romantic-comedies make light of the pitfalls of the dating scene, butFreshtakes it to task through black-as-night horror comedy, skewering the dire situation that is internet dating. The movie opens as Noa (Normal People's Daisy Edgar-Jones) endures yet another evening of belittling, mi...
Plus a Selection of Great Romantic Chinese Dramas If you are looking for suggestions of romantic Korean dramas to watch (and maybe also some romantic Chinese shows), you’ve come to the right place. Below you'll find a list of currently more than 50 revi
Francis Ford Coppola’sDracula(1992) – A romantic gothic epic with Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder. Dracula Untold(2014) – A gothic romantic fantasy about Vlad the Impaler and his famous (non-Dracula) vampire backstory. DraculaTV Series (2013)– A romantic steampunk retelling. This one’s so...
Year: 2023Runtime: 1h 55mDirector: Greta Gerwig One of the biggest films of 2023 has landed on Max. Greta Gerwig’s daring blockbuster is a comedy that works both as a reminder of the power imagination and the fight for equality. Anyone who thinks this movie is anti-male isn’t paying...