The Best Classes for Each Race Here’s a list of all the best classes for each race in the game, separated by faction: Best Classes for Alliance Races Human – Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Rogue Dwarf – Hunter, Priest, Paladin, Rogue Gnome – Mage, Warrior, Rogue Night Elf – Druid Best...
The sneaky Rogue class is all about stealth and assassin-like playstyle, and that’s precisely why Night Elves are the best race for Rogues. Thanks to the Shadowmeld racial ability,Night Elf Rogues have a secondary Stealthwhich lends itself to PvP combat perfectly. If that wasn’t enough,Ni...
At the end of the day, the race you pick for your character should be whatever makes you happiest. Whether you dream of being a Goblin Rogue or any other combo that you can dream up, don’t let the high-end content meta define what you select. But for those that are looking to get...
No matter if you’re using your Rogue as a traditional DPS character or are trying out the new tank role, here’s what you should look for. DPS Rogue BiS gear inWoWSoD Rogues rely on Ziri’s crafted items for their BiS gear moreso than other classes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment T...
All 3 of the choices you have as an Alliance Mage are great, and none of them have a particularly strong DPS-boosting racial, so the choice doesn’t matter too much — you can play the race that looks the best to you. However, we do recommend that you play Draenei— their Heroic Pr...
Night Elves are the only available race for Alliance Druids. Their only PvE-relevant racial is Shadowmeld, which isn’t all that great if we’re being honest. Night Elf About the Author bobodingo Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an av...
When choosing the right race for your character, keep in mind that each one offers completely different bonuses and effects, and shines in a different aspect of the game. However, if min-maxing is not your thing, feel free to just choose the race that fe
WoW Classic Races Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Race Guide, Below we rank the best races for PVP, PVE and even for each Class Spec. We also detail all the Racial Traits that are unique to each race and what they do, this will help you better understand why we rank them ...
When borders collide civs race through the ages and try to out-tech each other in a hidden war for influence, all while trying to deliver a knockout military blow with javelins and jets. There aren’t enough games that let you crush longbowmen with amphibious tanks and stealth bombers. ...
Best WoW Classic race for Rogue Best: Orc Rogues pride themselves on killing before they themselves are killed, making a base attack increase like Blood Fury an easily palatable option. Anything to decrease the figurative time-to-kill timer. ...