At Level 4 we have to choose a Feat for the BG3 Rogue Build. Feats are strong passive effects that can enable a certain build idea, or simply give a stat buff to increase damage or survivability. Choose the Ability Improvement Feat and increase your Dexterity to 19. This will improve you...
which might not sound like a big deal, but being pushed to your death from a great vantage point by an angry jumping Githyanki is only funny the first couple of times. If your chosen Race was human, then you can manually choose Acrobatics as a Skill, so in this case you could go wi...
Though with that thinking a Rogue w/ the utmost Perception might be best with "You're Next!" to Intimidate the woman right after slaying their man. Also can get the feat other ways too, but can't catch up to that pure savoriness of full Perception. And one can humiliate your opponen...