Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
拉斯维加斯2024年6月6日 /美通社/ -- 美食界今晚齐聚美国拉斯维加斯,庆祝和表彰由 S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna 赞助的 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2024,而由 Oriol Castro、Eduard Xatruch 和 Mateu Casañas 这三位技艺高超大厨搭档主理的巴塞罗那Disfrutar 餐厅被评为了 The World's Best Restaurant...
(全球旅报2024年6月7日讯)美食界齐聚美国拉斯维加斯,庆祝和表彰由 S.Pellegrino &Acqua Panna赞助的 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2024,而由 Oriol Castro、Eduard Xatruch 和 Mateu Casañas 这三位技艺高超大厨搭档主理的巴塞罗那Disfrutar餐厅被评为了 The World's Best Restaurant。紧随其后的是阿特克...
Ranking of the World's 101 Best Steak Restaurants. The leading list of the best steak restaurants worldwide.
伦敦2024年5月22日/美通社/ -- 由 S.Pellegrino &Acqua Panna赞助的 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2024 于今日公布了将于 6 月 5 日在拉斯维加斯举行本年度颁奖典礼呈现的 No.51 到 No.100 餐厅榜单。扩容后的 51-100 榜单包括了来自六大洲的餐厅,由来自美食界的 1080 名独立专家的投票汇总而成,其...
伦敦2024年5月8日/美通社/ -- 由厨师Jon Yao、侍酒师兼运营总监 Ryan Bailey主理的洛杉矶餐厅Kato,今日获 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 评选为 2024 年Resy One To Watch Award。该奖项旨在表彰在美食界崭露头角、值得获得国际赞誉的新秀餐厅。
In 2024, the chef opened his first restaurant, Diamante Gastrobar, staffed primarily by graduates of Diamantes na Cozinha. By equipping vulnerable people with the tools and means to escape poverty and gain meaningful employment, Diamante has proven himself as a true Champion of Change. ...
拉斯维加斯2024年6月6日/美通社/ -- 美食界今晚齐聚美国拉斯维加斯,庆祝和表彰由 S.Pellegrino &Acqua Panna赞助的 The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2024,而由 Oriol Castro、Eduard Xatruch 和 Mateu Casañas 这三位技艺高超大厨搭档主理的巴塞罗那Disfrutar餐厅被评为了 The World's Best Restaurant。颁奖...
The world’s 50 best restaurants 2024 1.Disfrutar(Barcelona, Spain) 2.Asador Etxebarri(Atxondo, Spain) 3.Table by Bruno Verjus(Paris, France) 4.Diverxo(Madrid, Spain) 5.Maido(Lima, Peru) 6.Atomix(New York City) – Best restaurant in North America ...