This list represents the rest of the colleges awarded a Best Nursing Schools badge. Showing in this list means the college was ranked in the top 20% of the 1768 different United States nursing schools we analyzed. RankCollegeLocation 51 Binghamton University Vestal, NY 52 University at Buffalo ...
red means “stop” or “bad” and the green represents “good” or “go.” This distinction can prove very useful when designing dashboards – but only when you use these colors accordingly.
The first term represents the total indicator variance–covariance explained by the second-order factor, that is, the variance of X due to the second-order factor (Cho, 2016; Cortina, 1993). Hence, the second term is the total indicator variance–covariance explained by the first-order ...
red means “stop” or “bad” and the green represents “good” or “go.” This distinction can prove very useful when designing dashboards – but only when you use these colors accordingly.
Port of LA Sets Another Cargo Record in 2017 The Port of Los Angeles moved more cargo in 2017 than in any time in the port’s 110-year history, racking up 9.3 million TEUs. This represents a 5.5 percent increase over 2016’s record-breaking year when the port handled 8.8 million TEUs....
The first number, like the5in 5x4x3, represents the diameter of the propeller in inches. This is the diameter of the circular area the prop creates when spinning. Larger Props: Generate more thrust due to a larger surface area but require more powerful motors. In my experience, with the ...
ProgressingfromTier1toTier3representsareductionintheuncertaintyofGHGestimates. HowevertheabilitytouseaTier3approachwilldependontheavailabilityofdetailedproduction statisticsandinfrastructuredata,anditmaynotbepossibletoapplyitunderallcircumstances. 从1级进展到3级表示温率气体估算的不确定性降低。然而,使用3级方法的能...
Calculating the Z-Score: The Z-Score represents a data point's relation to the mean measurement of the data set. The Z-Score is negative when the data point is below the mean and positive when it's above the mean; a Z-Score of 0 means it's equal to the mean. To determine the ...
Such a leapfrog development represents not only an inevitable result of the progress of our times, but also an active evolution driven by its genes of innovation. Last year, we sped up digital transformation, deepened the integration of big data and businesses and of big data and technologies,...
the rupture and site for which ground motion is being estimated, GMPE(M, Rrup) represents the predicted median ground motion from the ground motion prediction equation (i.e., the ground motion expected by our ideal EEW system), and \({\mathscr{N}}\) represents the normal distribution. As...