If you find yourself wanting to crush Rock Bands in Civ 6 only to find the game provides no way to do so, then you’re in luck. With theReligious Units Fight Rock Bands modinstalled, you’ll be able to defeat those impious, music-blasting cretins once and for all through the power ...
For the sacreligious, you can cast down the sanctimonious clerics of the Demiurge and make sure all the world gets to hear your tasty riffs and the good word of our Lord, Satan. This mod is so much fun that I have a hard time playing late game Civ 6 without it. Zee's Fewer ...
Holy Sites, Theater Squares, and otherinstitutions are very cheap for this faction, allowing you topursue a Religious or Cultural victoryrather than a Domination one. The strong military protects those places to help you progress toward those goals easily. The versatile nature of this civ makes i...
If you’d like to expand Civ 5’s religious offerings in a playful yet significant way, check outStrange Religions. Admittedly, one of the goofier items on this list, it introduces many novel beliefs about spirituality to the potential religions in Civ 5. This includes both conventional and r...