Looking for thebest read aloud chapter booksto enjoy with children ages 6-12 years? Look no further as today we are sharing 50 great chapter book read alouds! As I shared in our previous list,150 Best Kids Picture Books to Read Aloud, I recently asked friends of theChildhood 101 community...
The new school year is full of possibilities. It's a chance to create a classroom environment where students feel safe, valued, and excited to learn. One of the best ways to cultivate this atmosphere is by sharing a read-aloud book. Read Alouds Matter Reading aloud is a powerful tool fo...
The awesomeness of dinosaur books for kids is no secret. Dinosaur fiction stories capture kids’ imagination and make for great read alouds. Dino information books naturally inspire future scientists. Check out this list of our favorites from both genres. (Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may colle...
26. Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina Courtesy: HarperCollins The math is simple: Hats + Monkeys = Hilarity. One of the all-time great read-alouds, the story of a man who loses his caps thanks to some light-fingered simians is sure to earn giggles from your listeners. Ages 4 and un...
Fourth graders are very talkative—if they think it, they say it. The mute button can tame those verbal reactions (Wow! Cool! Ewww!) commonly blurted out during read-alouds and lessons, but quashing all forms of spontaneous reaction and verbal engagement may leave students feeling disconnected...
26. Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina Courtesy: HarperCollins The math is simple: Hats + Monkeys = Hilarity. One of the all-time great read-alouds, the story of a man who loses his caps thanks to some light-fingered simians is sure to earn giggles from your listeners. Ages 4 and un...