This beloved John Hughes film follows a high school misfit with a flair for fashion as she navigates the treacherous waters of teenage hierarchies. When she captures the eye of the most sought-after boy, it leads to heartache, hilarity, and iconic 80s dance floor moments, emphasizing ...
The best teenage haircuts start with short hair on the sides. This means getting a fresh fade or undercut. However, guys have so many choices when it comes to the type of fades they like. For instance, teen boys have the option of a high, low, mid, skin, drop, razor, burst or ...
With a distinctive Southern drawl, rapid-fire flow, and razor-sharp wit, this Atlanta-based rapper quickly gained a reputation for his clever punchlines and high-energy performances. Hits like "Stand Up," "Southern Hospitality," and "Rollout (My Business)" showcased his...
The idea of Death as ahead of their time is slightly oversold—closer to truth is that they were bang on time, sounding somewhere between neighboring predecessors the Stooges and New York’s The Dictators—but it was striking for the era that they shared the same “whiteboy” influences (...
His wife, Imelda, is selling off her jewelry on eBay and half-heartedly dodging the attention of fast-talking cattle farmer Big Mike, while their teenage daughter, Cass, formerly top of her class, seems determined to binge drink her way through her final exams. As for twelve-year-old PJ,...
Credit: Razor If he doesn't have a RipStick yet, he'll be entertained for hours trying to perfect a ride on this thing. Smaller than an average skateboard, RipSticks are ideal for those wanting to try out more tricks. They have 360-degree inclined casters and a pivoting deck which gives...
Shopping for a tween boy has you stumped? We found some unique gifts for tween boys that they will rave about.
parents, though perhaps not successfully. As she says, "they know that I know they know". Fairly plotless – more like a snapshot of a life – Akhavan's bone-dry humour, understated acting, and razor-sharp writing here showcases her as a queer auteur for the future.Buy on Amazon ...
This is a very different kind of gift for a teenage boy that lets them put their creative thinking skills to the test. 28 Construction Set by McFarlane Toys Check Price on Amazon Summary This is a pretty unique toy for 13 year olds that has designed from the popular Five Night’s ...
Are you looking for gifts for a teenage boy who has a passion for health and fitness? If so, this HIIT game could be an awesome present. The game involves working out with the HIIT (high intensity interval training) method. This requires guys to perform quick bursts of exercise, followed...