Topical:Topical treatments(like amorolfine and ciclopirox) can help with minor toenail fungus. They cause fewer and less serious side effects. However, it’s difficult for them to penetrate the nail plate.Orit Markowitz, MD, founder and CEO of OptiSkin treatment center in New York City, says ...
Ethical laser nail fungus treatment (and topical treatment for nail separation) People often ask me which is better, PinPointe or Cutera laser for toenail fungus? People often ask me which is better, PinPointe or Cutera laser for toenail fungus? Cutera Versus PinPointe Laser for Toenail Fung...
Packing a wallop in a small (10 ml/.33 ounce) bottle isPur365 Manuka Oil, Pure and Organic Natural Treatment for Eczema, Acne, Cold Sores, Toenail Fungus, Irritated Skin and More. This one has an easy-to-use dropper so you can apply only the amount needed. One drop applied twice a...