This romantic drama shows the struggles and wins of each character in their respective fields as well as their story of friendship and a love triangle. There’s also an excellent cast for this series. You may recognize the lead actors from the infamous Korean film,Parasite,where So Dam played...
It’s no surprise that, according to Nielsen, Hotel del Luna is also the highest rated Korean drama that started broadcasting in 2019. An honorable mention: if you want to see more of IU’s acting, check out the Netflix anthology Persona. Watch Hotel del Luna on Viki • • • ...
Explore the top 100 K-Dramas of all time, rated by fans and critics. From romantic comedies to action-packed thrillers, find the perfect Korean dramas to add to your watch list
If you're looking for new Korean dramas to watch on Netflix after Squid Game, here are some of the best!
Looking for the perfect K-drama to binge-watch? Here are the best Korean dramas you can stream right now, from suspenseful thrillers to charming rom-coms.
The 30 best Korean historical dramas, from "Dong Yi" and "Faith" to "My Sassy Girl" and "Empress Ki."
Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Rated-R Romance Movies. Current Top 3: Before Trilogy Franchise, Pretty Woman, When Harry Met Sally...
Also ranks #25 on The 60+ Best Korean Romance Movies, Ranked 42 Frantz Pierre Niney, Paula Beer, Ernst Stötzner 5 votes Frantz is a 2016 French drama film directed by François Ozon. A young German woman whose fiancé has been killed in World War I meets a French soldier who comes...
Looking for an addictive K-drama to binge watch? Look no further. From, Squid Game to Crash Landing on You, these are the best Korean shows on Netflix right now.
Why You Should Watch:Hotel Del Luna, a gothic fantasy Korean rom-com drama, is one of the highest-rated Korean dramas ever and comes from the talented Hong Sisters. It takes place in part in the present-day with numerous historical flashbacks. The mysterious atmosphere makes this a fun watc...