The FNX was one of the best bats for fastpitch softball in 2021, and in 2022, the 2021 bat still has the chops to dominate at the plate. DeMarini developed the 2021 Demarini FNX as a two-piece, all-composite fastpitch bat that is end loaded, making it one of the best fastpitch bat...
Best fastpitch softball bats, softball gloves and cleats, reviews of 2024 softball equipment, composite bats, softball mitts and other gear for fastpitch softball...
Players usually use mid-compression balls for slow-pitch softball, but teams also use them for training and practice for fast-pitch softball. The compression rating is between 375 to 530 pounds, and the diameter of mid-compression balls is at least 11 inches. Mid-compression softballs have som...
DeMarini Sports is a leading baseball andsoftball(fastpitch and slowpitch) equipment, manufacturer. They specialize in producing all sorts of bats, apparels, and gears. Initially, DeMarini had humble beginnings as they did not have any proper retailers or advertising campaigns. Later in 1992, DeMar...
Softball Hitting: Fast and Slow PitchAdvises softball batters of both sexes and all ages on psychological preparation, choosing a bat, stances, holding the bat, striding, swinging, bunting, and hittingT. PetroffJack T. Clary
It’s highly rated within both the baseball and softball communities. The construction is solid and has a large compartment in the middle. This bag can easily hold two bats and hold the rest of your gear at the same time. If I was to pick a breakout bag for 2025 it would be this on...
Competitive Fastpitch Softball for GirlsHere's a fast-paced look at the world of women's softball, including examples of how to play and where to go to find a team. The author gives detailed guidance about the rules and exercises of the sport.Ann Wesley...
Fastpitch Fever (Softball Star Series)fastpitch fever
Whether you coach your daughter's softball club or play with your friends after work, Softball: Fast- and Slow-Pitch will help you help your team make the most of its practice time. Including information on team warm-ups, position-specific drills, and equipment selection, this book covers ...
There was an incredible need for this book and I thank Barry for writing it." -- Sherry Werner, PhD, lead researcher, International Olympic Committee's Submission on Biomechanics and Physiology "One of the most comprehensive fastpitch instructional books on the market today. A must addition for...