The gameplay is a marriage of action and platforming, offering a range of creepy challenges and enemies to tackle. Players get the honour of wielding Jack’s signature pumpkin-themed weapons and use various abilities to tackle obstacles. Visually speaking, the game does a superb job of capturing...
Hajime no Ippo Portable: Victorious Spirits brings the essence of the well-known anime/manga into the gaming world. The game follows the tale of Makunochi Ipoo and his friends as they climb the rank of the boxing realm while meeting new rivals and numerous friends. Through the story mode, ...
Both Dragon Ball Origins games offer a top-down action-adventure experience where players control Goku as he confronts a range of adversaries and formidable bosses, utilizing various techniques. Notably, Goku has the ability to unleash a powerful Kamehameha wave after accumulating sufficient energy. ...
Stalker AGunslingercan be considered as a close-rangeSharpshooter, on a higher fire rate. He is the kiting material of the team, lining up the Zeds, head-shooting them one after the other, cleaning the battlefield dorm the most dangerous Zeds. He has a good amount of ammunition, except t...
This is the long range load out which is for players who want to play it a bit safer. The Wingman is perfect for sharpshooters who might be able to land far shots but also for fights that could happen a lot closer and the same goes for the G7 Scout, which can equip the “Double...