"Hello World" takes place in a near-future Kyoto and is about two introverted teenagers who bond over their love of reading, but whose shyness has prevented them from taking their friendship to the next level. One of them, Naomi (Takumi Kitamura), is visited by his 10-years-in-the-futur...
2. Ramen Sapporo ramen. Along with sushi ramen is another dish that you will find absolutely everywhere, and is one of the most popular foods in Japan. It’s a staple in many people’s diets and is very tasty if you go to a decent place, such as the ramen in the photo above found...
Indulge in authentic local cuisine, including the renowned Hakata-style ramen, and explore the vibrant Tenjin district, where fashion boutiques, department stores, and trendy cafes await. Take a scenic stroll along the bustling Nakasu Canal, lined with picturesque restaurants and bars, or marvel at...
You also can explore the city life of Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Yokohama, Nagoya and Kyoto. Actually, Tokyo would be the top destination if you wish to take a look at city life and at the same its beautiful nature out there. Perhaps it would be best for you if you visitTokyo Tower, To...