Atlas– Provides players with World, Dungeon, Battleground and Raid Maps AtlasLoot Enhanced– Shows the possible loot from bosses. SavedInstances– Tracks Daily and Weekly Quests, Trade Skill Cooldowns and many other things that are helpful.
While already useful for dungeons, it is in raids that a clickable, customizable raid frame becomes very necessary.VuhDois precisely that, and has been our author's choice for the past 10 years! 3.3. Threat Meter A threat meter is indispensable for raiding in WoW Classic, as you should alw...
Perfect for Raid Leaders. Shadowed Unit Frames— A customizable unit frame add-on, similar to Pitbull (see the description above). It displays such information as incoming heals, auras, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators, and so on. You can also change from one ...
Details is the most popular damage meter in modern WoW, and has been ported over to Classic. If you are looking to improve, being able to track your own numbers and compare them is a vital first step. 2.5. Boss Mods Deadly Boss Mods If you plan to raid, having a Boss Mod addon, ...
Get Raider.IO here:https://www.curseforge.come/wow/addons/raiderio 1.SimpleRaidTargetIcons Bear Tanking addons I recommend! (start watching at 5:35) This is not the most important tank add-on but it surely helps a lot and I use it all the time. It allows the player to quickly mar...
Main File 11.0.2 Release R Retail Aug 15, 2024 Members Zavon25Owner DioxinaAuthor Report Note: This version was created when I ran into UI errors on the Shadowlands Beta when trying to update it for my guild.
There's also support for data broker AddOns like Titan Panel or similar. The Manager TheBiS Manageris where all the magic happens. This is the place where you can set your BestInSlot lists. On startup the AddOn automatically selects the highest available raid tier and difficulty. You can...
/bi m raidto set raid mode and/bi m selfto set self mode (default) Soon: Options with weights editor for your spec Offspec will show in tooltips Known caveats: To compare two one-handed axes/swords/maces with one two-handed you need to sum both scores from one-handed weapon and com...
Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldowns Twin Emperor Tanking World Buffs (Obsolete) Melee Warlock Warlock Epic Mount Deathmist Tier 0.5 Doomguard Guide Warlock Shadow Resist Gear Warrior PvE Prot Warrior Tanking PvE Warrior DPS Leveling WoW Classic Leveling Guide Hord...
Raid Markers: Add bar contains mark buttons, ready check, pull counter, and more! Combat Alert: Show an animation when you enter or leave combat. Quick Keystone: Put the keystone from bag automatically. Class Helper: Special features for each class. (e.g. DK: Death Strike Estimator) Map ...