Hunter Leveling Rotation in Classic WoW All three Hunter specs will have a fairly similar solo leveling DPS rotation, with their pets being grand part of their damage, weaving different attacks based on their builds. Below you can find the detailed rotation for each Hunter spec: ...
) 16:40 【魔兽世界9.0】增强萨满归来,5v5车轮战PVP(Enhancement Shaman Is BACK! ) 12:57 【魔兽世界9.0】Soullscape独领风骚的生存猎人(The BEST SOLO SPEC|Survival Hunter| 9.0 World PVP) 20:01 【魔兽世界9.0】痛苦术士战场集锦-吸干他们(DRAIN THEM ALL! AFF is so strong! - Affliction Warlock) 21...
Marksmanship Hunters possess a considerable range advantage, but without the pet's pressure from the Beast Mastery spec, they may not be as effective in duels. They can still deliver solid damage, but their lack of utility compared to other Hunter specs might make them a le...