Sharon Stone reprises her role as the seductive novelist in this sequel, which finds her becoming involved with a London-based psychiatrist, played by David Morrissey. As their relationship deepens, he becomes increasingly entangled in her web of deception and danger. The film delivers more of the...
A New York psychiatrist treating an emotionally scarred woman finds it helpful to discuss her South Carolina family's troubled history with the woman's twin brother. He and the psychiatrist find themselves drawn together by their equally turbulent pasts, and they form an alliance which ultimately ...
It’s 1983, the shorts are short, and the music is by the Psychedelic Furs. In a summer villa in Northern Italy, sensitive teenager Elio (Timothée Chalamet) comes of age after his academic father invites a grad student, Oliver (Armie Hammer), to stay with them. The flirtation becomes mu...
"The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It," the third film in the series, isn't quite as good as its predecessors. Director Michael Chaves doesn't have quite the same knack for playful jump scares as James Wan (who is still on board as a producer), but he recognizes something far mor...
This under-the-radar teen movie follows Charlie Bartlett, a teen who struggles to fit in at his new high school—until he decides to become the school's unofficial psychiatrist. Watch Now Dangerous Minds This content is imported from youTube. You may be able to find the same content in...
Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist, the director of the Harvard Happiness Study. “Often we’ll remember the things that more emotionally loaded as opposed to the neutral, the flat, the boring. That’s why you probably can’t remember what you had for dinner last Monday — unless it was ...
Julian LeVallon, born and raised alone in the Western Alps, is referred to psychiatrist Dr. Fillery for care in London. He appears to be a schizophrenic with a secondary personality, “N.H.” (non-human); but perhaps Julian is really an Elemental Being, a “bright messenger” who port...
In addition, there is an underlying story of unrequited love between Chiyoko and an anti-war artist she met briefly as a teenager who gave her a mysterious key that she has held onto for her entire life. Because it is a Kon movie, there are layers upon layers of meaning in every scene...
While there, Ned meets his childhood psychiatrist, and through a flashback, we learn that Ned used to be quite the little hell-raiser, until eight months of continual spanking took care of that. It’s the most unlikely of origin stories: How Ned Learned to Love the Doodily. “Hurricane ...
No, you wouldn’t want him as your psychiatrist. But like Sherlock Holmes’s evil shadow, Dr Lecter makes everyone else look so dull. Based on Thomas Harris’s 1988 novel, The Silence of the Lambs is part thriller and part horror – stomach-knotting tensely with a cruel streak of ...