and most importantly what your character has been through. Backgrounds offer powerful and important benefits to your character, granting you things like; skill proficiencies, languages, tool proficiencies, equipment, and a background trait power. Added together the abilities granted by ...
Fireball 5e The Dungeons and Dragons Wizard is extremely powerful as is, without the need to multiclass or go overboard with feats. Their major Achilles’ Heel, though, is their lack ofDnD armor. But a single dip into another class can fix that. The Chronurgy Wizard is, in our opinion...
backgrounds play a totally different role compared to their purpose in DnD 5e. While 5e backgrounds provide a couple of skill proficiencies and perhaps a unique ability, the new backgrounds actually provide your character’s starting ability score improvements in the way that classes do in 5e. The...
On a D&D 5e stat sheet, every character and creature have six basic core stats: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. In addition, there are 18 skill proficiencies that players can choose from to enhance their character’s abilities: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, ...
significant level investment. What was broken on the Hexblade is still quite good for the Battle Smith, allowing them to focus entirely on their intelligence and constitution stats. Martial weapon proficiencies also help ensure that the Smith’s damage output doesn’t fall too far behind the ...
The Casters Extra mod expands the array of character subclasses by incorporating selections from D&D 5e that did not make it into the base game. This mod introduces various subclasses, including the Twilight Domain Cleric and the Bladesong Wizard. Additionally, the mod allows players to summon uni...
Some parts of D&D’s metagame never change. Fireball might be the most notoriousD&D 5E spellaround, and was a staple of past editions. Many low-level Wizard builds are constructed entirely around the spell, and players frequently rely on it for unrivalled damage dealing. So much so, that ...
Skilled— Gain proficiencies in three skills of your choosing. Spell Sniper— Learn a cantrip; the number you need to roll a critical hit is reduced by 1; this effect can stack. Tavern Brawler— When you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or do a throw, your Strength modi...