Sentient Jet, known as the first company to offer private jet cards, is one of the best charter options if you plan on regularly taking short-haul flights. The PJ life lends itself to quick jumps — Los Angeles to Las Vegas; New York City to the Hamptons; Denver to Telluride, Colorado...
20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Deer Jet has been named the "World's Best Private Jet Company" at the 2017 World Tourism Awards, highlighting the world-class, distinctive design and excellence in service of the brand. Deer Jet received the award for “World’s Best Private Jet Company” at ...
Sentient Jet, known as the first company to offer private jet cards, is one of the best charter options if you plan on regularly taking short-haul flights. The PJ life lends itself to quick jumps — Los Angeles to Las Vegas; New York City to the Hamptons; Denver to Telluride, Colorado...
分享到: 2月18日,2017年世界旅游论坛全球峰会在土耳其伊斯坦布尔隆重召开,金鹿公务受邀代表中国商务航空业参会,并荣膺“世界较佳公务机公司(World’s Best Private Jet Company)”奖项。 伊斯坦布尔2017年2月20日电 /美通社/ -- 2月18日,2017年世界旅游论坛全球峰会(World Tourism Forum Global Meeting)在土耳其伊斯坦...
STA is a superior jet management and Orange County private jet charter company. Partnering with us provides you with all the benefits of jet ownership and chartering your aircraft with none of the headaches. STA Total Jet Management™ offsets the costs of jet ownership while ensuring your jet...
Top Private Jet Charter CompaniesUnless you've never chartered a private jet before, choosing the right company can be daunting. Find out more about the best private jet charter service in the industry. Choosing the best charter company? Unless you've never chartered a private jet before, ...
2月18日,2017年世界旅游论坛全球峰会(World Tourism Forum Global Meeting)在土耳其伊斯坦布尔隆重召开,金鹿公务受邀代表中国商务航空业参会,并荣膺“世界最佳公务机公司(World’s Best Private Jet Company)”奖项,此次再获世界大奖标志着金鹿公务卓越的“艺术航空”理念、一流的服务质量、顶级的全球运营能力获得了全球旅...
No Strings Attached: How Private Jet Charter Entices The New Generation Of Consumers As a millennial entrepreneur and founder of Bitlux, a private jet charter company, I have witnessed ... Aircraft Lavinia Lumezanu Unwinding in Fiji Airways Business Class ...
of checking out car dealerships, or even shopping for groceries, you’d probably rely on your experience, common sense, and other customers’ opinions to choose the best private jet company that will offer you the best service. It’s pretty much the same when it comes to private jet ...
"Your Personal Private Jet Company." With the power of a national fleet combined with a personalized, local experience, Jet Linx offers a Jet Card program for those who expect the best in private jet travel for each and every flight. Imagine driving up to a private jet terminal, being ...