When a female private investigator creates a fictional male boss to boost business, she's shocked to discover that a charismatic conman has assumed his identity. As they partner up to solve crimes, sparks fly in this clever blend of comedy, mystery, and romance. Premiered: October 1, 1982...
This quirky and heartwarming series delves into themes of love, loss, and family as Ned navigates his unique gift alongside private investigator Emerson Cod (Chi McBride) and childhood sweetheart-turned-undead Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Anna Friel). As one of the best shows about family dyna...
from a fantasy in alternate Tang dynasty China to a contemporary novel in modern-day NYC, but share common threads of teens coming of age and finding and embracing their truth.
Fire shoots from booth at Bryant Park holiday market in NYC #Shorts News- US,Trending http://youtu.be/39xfCEL3k88 A fire engulfed a booth at a holiday market in Bryant Park, New York. No one was injured. #NewYork #fire #holidaymarket ...
Related:Best TV Shows This Year Creator:Andrew W. Marlowe Stars:Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Susan Sullivan, Molly Quinn Years Aired:2009–2016 Where You Can Watch:Amazon Prime Crime Focus:Copycat killers and NYC homicides Castleis a procedural with a twist: crime writer follows crime solver ...
itself. Sandler plays a NYC cop who takes his wife (Aniston) on a European vacation and the two find themselves entangled in a murder of a billionaire. Cue "dun dun dun." 'Haunted Mansion' (Image credit: Courtesy) WATCH IT Starring: Eddie Murphy, Terence Stamp, Nathaniel Parker, Marsha ...
It’s an offer NYC college student Katerina Mills should refuse. But how can she? A desperate situation…. After ditching her cheating lover (and boss), she’s stuck in dead end temp jobs. Her dad just ditched her mom and his promise to pay Kat’s college tuition bill. She has two ...
Many of his stage plays centered on the trauma and aftermath of WWII Incarceration Camps such as ““After … Read the rest Editor Playwrights 0 Comment January 23, 2024 A Memory of Gerardo Calderon It’s becoming a frequent and unfortunate recurrence to learn of someone’s passing on ...
And it’s easy to view Tony Silver’s seminal documentary as little more than a history lesson, a snapshot of Ed Koch’s NYC, or a sort of Deadline-style report on this new fad among mostly Latinx and African-American kids in the boogie-down Bronx, where, like, they’re vandalizing...
DOG lives in Manhattan and he’s tired of being alone. One day he decides to build himself a robot, a companion. Their friendship blossoms, until they become inseparable, to the rhythm of 80’s NYC. One summer night, DOG, with great sadness, is forced to abandon ROBOT at the beach. ...