Elf on the Shelf has become a lovable family tradition in countless households. The magic created by this sneaky little Elf delights children and adults alike. Your Elf on the Shelf experience is completely customizable, even down to the clothes and activities you find the Elf in. Whether your...
Wondering how to name your Elf? Check out these cute and funny girl and boy Elf on the Shelf names to bring them to life.
TheElf on the Shelfis a Christmas tradition in which magical Scout Elves help Santa keep his lists of who’s naughty and nice updated every night. They’re called Scout Elves because their job is to scout good behavior for Santa. They’re also known for Elf on the Shelf pranks, such as...
Elf on the Shelf is based on a book written by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell in 2004. It explains how Santa Claus knows who is naughty and nice - with the help of his little friends. The elves hide in homes to watch over the children. When everyone is asleep, the elf...
Can you name all of these Louisiana-themed 'Elf on a Shelf' memes? We'll admit, it took us a while on a few of them! Parents love sharing the magic of Christmas with their kids and a lot of them get into coming up with new and interesting situations for their elf to find themselv...
That little Elf on the Shelf can be naughty and nice. Central New Yorkers get pretty creative during the holiday season.
Elf on the Shelf is such a fun Christmas tradition that my family loves. My kids look forward to it every year and they light up each morning when they find their elf! If you’re looking for some idea inspiration, check out this list of thebest Elf on the Shelf ideas. And don’t ...
we share this page with dozens of other creative bloggers. This brings together all of the best ideas for The Elf on the Shelf from many great minds. Ideas range from beginner to expert. There are The Elf on the Shelf ideas for parents who like a challenge or parents who need an easy...
Get theElf On The Shelf Mischief Munch recipe. PHOTO: RYAN LIEBE; FOOD STYLING: MAKINZE GORE 20 Reese's Trees Theseadorable Christmas treatstake around 10 minutes to assemble, and will surely be the hit of any holiday party (especially for youpeanut butter-chocolatefans). All you need are...
26. Christmas Elf Christmas came early! If the elf on the shelf is your child’s favorite Christmas activity, why not dress them up as an elf? This will also double as an adorable Christmas party costume – two for the price of one!