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Best practice visualisation, dashboard and key figures reportAtz, UlrichHeath, TomHeil, MichaelHardinges, JackFawcett, Jamie
Learn how to use your dashboard effectively, and achieve your goals faster. We'll cover everything from which metrics and KPIs to display to design tips. Explore
Good claims practice is about common sense. Like any business it is important to grow and learn and adopt to changing environments. Good claims professionals are always looking for new ways to make sure that they are providing prompt service to assist their clients to secure fair compensation whe...
Database design Development Internals & architecture Installation Migrate & load data Manage, monitor, & tune Manage Monitor Monitor Monitor SQL Server Components Performance Dashboard Performance Monitoring & Tuning Tools Live query stats Activity Monitor ...
To manage dashboard load time and load against your reporting server, put few widgets on each tab. To help the users, you can also group the widgets by user or purpose. Ideally the dashboard reports return a relatively small result set. Put reports with large resul...
Best practice tips:Identify process improvement goals that your team can agree to, write them down, and review them periodically. Use team dashboards to share information and work tracking charts, which you and your team review periodically. Have your team identify at least one sprint goal ...
Remove metrics from reports when they are not necessary, and remove whole reports and dashboards when they lose their relevance. Efficient reporting has a positive impact on your sustainability goals. Your organization can also identify similar goals across teams or departments t...
This helps us understand who needs to respond, and when. We also swear by Pipefy for internal reporting, telling us exactly the status of projects so that we can better report them externally to clients. For client reporting, we love both Google Sheets and Clickup’s customizable dashboards....
Catalyst Center lets you use the Data Anonymization feature to hide the identity of wired and wireless end clients in the Cisco Catalyst Assurance dashboard. For details, see "View or Update Collector Configuration Information" in the Cisco Catalyst Assur...