今天学姐推荐的书籍:《Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing》,对不少 雅思写作低分烤鸭来说,是一个相见恨晚的宝藏雅思高分写作资料。 全书由Munan Shaik 博士主编,包括雅思写作中的常见错误、超过 60个Task1…
今天学姐推荐的书籍:《Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing》,对不少雅思写作低分烤鸭来说,是一个相见恨晚的宝藏雅思高分写作资料。 全书由Munan Shaik 博士主编,包括雅思写作中的常见错误、超过60个Task1的优秀范文,170多篇Task2的范...
雅思写作|雅思范文 今天学姐推荐的书籍:《Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing》,对不少雅思写作低分烤鸭来说,是一个相见恨晚的宝藏雅思高分写作资料。 全书由Munan Shaik 博士主编,包括雅思写作中的常见错误、超过60个Task1的优秀范文,170多篇Task2的范文,其中包含了不同层次的雅思词汇和雅思写作的常见错误,对同...
需要的宝子跟我说:伸伸手~ 在雅思备考的漫长旅程中,写作部分无疑是许多考生心中的“噩梦”。如何在有限的时间内,组织出逻辑严密、语言流畅的文章,成为了许多考生亟待解决的问题。今天,我们要聊的这本书—《Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing》,或许正是你所需要的“实战宝典” 这本书以其实战性强的特点,成...
Best IELTS Academic Writing Books 2024 - Check out the most recommended IELTS Academic Writing books for your IELTS Preparation
Online IELTS listening test section 4 practice lecture about the conservation of animals. Continue reading "Online IELTS Listening Test Section 4" Oct 27, 2024 Improve Coherence and Cohesion in IELTS Writing Strategies to improve your coherence and cohesion in IELTS writing as it is 25% of your...
Practice combining the functions in different ways is one of the most effective IELTS Writing Task 2 tips. Therefore, learnhow to write complex sentencesand other sentence types that you use. For example, think of sentences in pairs. Then think what would come after the second function in the...
The users of this book have rated it at the top rank as it offers the best IELTS preparation advice and guidance to students. This book provides the essential reading, writing, listening, and writing sample practice and exercise sheets. It contains all the necessary study materials to prepare ...
In fact, at the time of this writing, ETS hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, The Official Guide, but does provide the following note: “The practice tests in this book are for the General Test that was administered before September 22, 2023. However, because...
and Speaking - for the IELTS test. Whether you're just beginning or looking to improve certain skills, this course provides everything you need to be fully prepared and reach your target band score. You'll learn key strategies for each test section, with practice exercises, real test question...