Black and Blue, an action-packed and thought-provoking thriller, stars Naomie Harris as a rookie police officer who captures the murder of a young drug dealer by corrupt cops on her body camera, forcing her to go on the run and fight for her life. Directed by Deon Taylor, the film t...
Over 5.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Erotic Thrillers Of All Time HOW RANKINGS WORK Craving a mix of suspense and sultry cinema? Then dive into the mesmerizing world of erotic thrillers, where danger and desire collide behind every corner. This ranked list...
You may recognize some of the film’s jokes from screenwriter and director Justin Simien’s Twitter (now X) account circa the early 2010s, where the writer used to workshop some of the film’s future material. —I.G. Where to watch Dear White People: Max Director: Justin Simien ...
showcasing a wide breadth of police work that is both engaging and humorous to watch. Over time, you grow to care for not just the character dynamics but also the interesting cases that occasionally prop up at the desks of thespecialunit. If you want a comprehensive view of local ...
Welcome to the Fairfax County Police Department. The Department's vision is to provide ethical leadership through engagement with the community to prevent and fight crime, improve the culture of safety at work and within the community to preserve the sanctity of all human life, and keep pace ...
As the pair are hard at work fine-tuning their invention, C.J.’s older brother Calvin (Brian Bradley, aka Astro) is shot and killed by a police officer. C.J. decides, as anyone with a time machine rightfully would, that she’s going to go back in time and save him. Yet as ...
Best States An Ex-Officer Who Died in an Apparent Suicide Before His Federal Trial Was Barred From Having a Gun A former Kansas police detective who died in an apparent suicide as he was about to stand trial for allegedly violating the civil rights of women prosecutors say he sexually ...
Pin-Jui jumps on an opportunity to go to America, but years of grueling work leave him a shell of himself and unable to connect with his daughter. When a chance to revisit the past comes along, he takes it, hoping to change his life into the one he always wanted. Genre: DramaRotten...
Pin-Jui jumps on an opportunity to go to America, but years of grueling work leave him a shell of himself and unable to connect with his daughter. When a chance to revisit the past comes along, he takes it, hoping to change his life into the one he always wanted. Genre: DramaRotten...
Nadal, Djokovic made to work before progressing in Madrid MADRID, May 10 (Xinhua) -- Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal were both made to work hard before booking their places in the third round of the Mutua Madrid Open on Wednesday. Interview: Lebanon's culture minister commends China's Belt...