The Best Poems of the English Language的书评 ···(全部 1 条) 热门只看本版本的评论 王敖2008-02-07 16:11:12Harper2004版 书评 哈罗德•布鲁姆的《最佳英语诗歌——从乔叟到弗罗斯特》 “我是当今世界上最伟大的批评家。我老了,我这种人就像恐龙,应该住在自然博物馆里。我的一些老朋友已经去世,现在...
Are you an avid bird enthusiast looking for the best bird poems in English literature? You needn’t search any longer! Within this article, you shall discover 60+ beloved poems about birds written by the greatest bards in history. From William Wordsworth’s iconic “The Owl” to John Keats...
Sometime in the near future death shall die Soon and very soon death shall die ... Read Poem Death Poems in English for Dad, Mother, Brother, Sisters! Quotations about Death Death poems, also known as jisei (in Japanese) or farewell poems, are a traditional form of poetry that have be...
In 1646 his Poems, with the Tenth Satyre of Juvenal Englished was published, followed by a second volume in 1647. Meanwhile, he had been "converted" by reading the religious poet George Herbert and gave up "idle verse". The prose Mount of Olives: or, Solitary Devotions (1652) show ...
The most famous "come on" or carpe diem poems in the English language include Robert Herrick’s "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time," Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" and Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." But the greatest love poem of all—by a ...
William Shakespeare is one of the names that has produced many works in the English language. In his poems, the theme of love has been handled quite a lot. Here are some of these poems… Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Sonnet 129: The expense of spirit in a wa...
excerpt from As You Like It by William Shakespeare (English, 1565-1616) We've put together a printable with all the recommended classic poems about school. Fill out the form with your email and we'll send it over! Print the Classic School Poems Subscribe to our newsletter & we'll send...
10 of the Best Summer Poems About Emma Baldwin Emma graduated from East Carolina University with a B.A. in English, minor in Creative Writing, B.F.A. in Fine Art, and B.A. in Art Histories. Literature is one of her greatest passions which she pursues through analyzing poetry on Poem ...
Famous Short Poems for Children First of all, let us take a look at some famous short poems for kids. These poems have been written by some of the very famous English poets. 1. The Rainbow by Christina Rossetti Boats sail on the rivers, ...
【答案】:C 【答案】C。解析:考查英美文学知识。罗伯特?勃朗宁(Robert Browning)(1812--1889),维多利亚时期代表诗人之一,主要作品有《戏剧抒情诗》、《剧中人物》、《指环与书》等。与丁尼生齐名,是维多利亚时代两大诗人之一。他以精细入微的心理探索而独步诗坛,对英美20世纪诗歌产生了重要影响。勃...