In the second poem, Sappho of Lesbos conveys the elemental nature of Eros, the Greek god of sexual love and lust. Our term "erotic" derives from the name Eros, just as our terms "sapphic" and "lesbian" derive from Sappho's name and the name of her island home. Interestingly, Eros ...
The Art of Love (2 CE) is a witty and playful three-part poem that offers advice on the art of seduction, romance, and maintaining love. In the first two books, it provides guidance to men on how to win and keep a lover, while the third book turns to women, advising them on how...
The poem comes from her collection bone, which tackles some of the deepest aspects of humanity, including religion, desire, womanhood, race, and vulnerability. "Married Love" by Guan Daosheng You and I Have so much love, That it Burns like a fire, In which we bake a lump of clay...
You can’t really narrow this collection down with ‘this is a good one.’ I’d read you every single poem in it.” Read more... The Best Books of Landscape Writing Dan Richards, Travel Writer Buy now Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind) by Grazia Deledda Read expert ...
John Milton, a 17th-century poet, is best known for his epic poem "Paradise Lost," which recounts the biblical story of humanity's fall from grace. A master of blank verse, Milton's work is characterized by its intellectual rigor and profound exploration of religious and political themes. ...
Best poetry books have one thing in common: they’re not afraid to be genius. Authors of the best poetry books have the courage to be thoroughly honest,
出品人: 页数:189 译者: 出版时间:2001-3 价格:98.00元 装帧:Pap isbn号码:9780446676816 丛书系列: 图书标签:诗歌英文原版 The 100 Best Poems of All Time 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Here, in this compact volume, is a greatest hits collection of the 100 best poems ever written by the ...
Readers who follow end-of-the-year book lists encounter many of the same titles, no doubt all offering a rich reading experience. What follows includes some books a bit more off the beaten track—novels, a collection of short stories, and a work of criticism that deserve broader readership ...
Buy Here Lies No One: A Poetry Collection now and start to draw your map of life’s complex journey! This Poetry book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print This book is in Kindle Unlimited! Buy Book Here. Featured BooksKindle Unlimited eBooks ...