Set amidst the sweltering heat of Florida, the film revolves around a down-on-his-luck lawyer, portrayed by William Hurt, who becomes entangled in a torrid affair with the seductive wife of a wealthy businessman, played by Kathleen Turner. The duo plots to murder her husband for his fortune...
Byline: Terry Brite DelValle One plant that flourishes in the heat and makes a beautiful...DelValle, Terry Brite
it’s very cold-hardy. More importantly, most of the poles are extremely straight with thick walls, although some of them can zigzag. As an ornamental, the plants have a very attractive deep green sheen. The botanical name translates as “Green...
The 13 Best Presidents Day Weekend Getaways for 2025 Honor our leaders and maximize the long holiday weekend at destinations across the U.S. Rachael Hood|Catriona KendallJanuary 16, 2025 The 4 Best Temecula Wine Tours Enjoy local California wine in scenic surroundings during one of these trips....
When you’re picking flowers for pots that will bloom all summer long, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. USDA hardiness zone The USDA hardiness zone is an important factor to consider when choosing plants for containers. This zone indicates the minimum temperature a plant...
I’ve lived in all of these idyllic locations for less than half of what I would pay in my home state of Florida. Living a healthy and active lifestyle in Thailand is much easier as well. Thai cuisine is legendary for its variety, piquant flavors, and fresh ingredients. Everyone I know...
Generous sacral padding prevents lower back soreness, and molded foam in the backpanel permits some airflow—a feature tester Robin Mino was happy to have on a weekend trip to Colorado’s James Lake Wilderness in 70-degree heat. She also appreciated the generous stretch-mesh dorsal pocket, whi...
Live Nation Florida: Check out to win a year-long concert pass for 2011! The Standard: Great spot to catch the best festivals and concerts MC: It is good place for concerts. But sometimes that place can be so crowded and noisy. 9. Cafe La Trova 8.8 971 SW 8th St...
Written by John Carlsen John is a technology journalist specializing in smart home devices, security cameras, and home security systems. He has over a decade of experience researching, testing, and reviewing the latest tech—he was the Smart Home Editor for Top Ten Reviews and wrote for ASecure...
14. Florida Keys, FL For those wanting a beautiful, warm place to spend Spring Break, the Florida Keys are an excellent choice. The mix of sandy beaches and plenty of water activities make it ideal for visiting in the second half of March when other springbreakers flock to the islands. ...