Bees are best known for producing honey. (A)They collect nectar from flowers and make honey with it in their hives. (B)But bees do more than that. When bees visit flowers, pollen gets on their bodies. (C) Then the bees carry the pollen to other flowers. This helps those flowers grow...
Both wild bees and honeybees will self-medicate on sunflower pollen when ill or infected with pathogens. Be sure to plant open-pollinated sunflower varieties rather than hybrid types bred to be pollenless. Learn how to grow & care for sunflowers. Photo by: Nancy J. Ondra / Shutterstock. ...
We’re a beekeeping business specializing in local honey in Boston, MA, and we’re mad about all things bees.
Honeybees are important, even if you don’t particularly like the taste of honey. Without pollinators, we wouldn’t have access tonearly a thirdof our global food supply. Thankfully, your backyard is a sweet place to get to work on saving the bees, and homeowners can help out without d...
A bee colony is a group of bees that live together.Each colony has one mother bee.This queen bee can live for three to five years.She produces up to 2,000 eggs every day.The other bees make honey (2) A young bees can eat in the winter.How do they do this?B...
Honey bees are vital pollinators and can be used to monitor the landscape. Consequently, interest in mounting technologies onto bees to track foraging behaviors is increasing. The barrier to entry is steep, in part because the methodology for fastening t
Honey bees are vital pollinators and can be used to monitor the landscape. Consequently, interest in mounting technologies onto bees to track foraging behaviors is increasing. The barrier to entry is steep, in part because the methodology for fastening t
Is honey vegan? Although it may seem like honey is vegan because it comes from nature, it is technically not since it is made by bees in hives. If you are looking for a honey alternative that is 100 percent vegan, consider dandelion honey. This sweet, amber-colored syrupis made fromthe...
Manuka honey is created by bees who feed on the nectar of the Manuka flower, found in New Zealand; the ingestible and topical qualities and benefits have been renowned for…Read More » Nature’s Hollow Nhol Honey Sub Sugar Free 14 Oz ...
S & S Apiaries specializes in honey production, pollination, breeding bees, making 5-frame nucs & full size hives in Central Florida